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Do I Need Professional Counselling?

You might be surprised at how resilient human beings are simply by considering your life struggles over which you have prevailed. But could you have surmounted these obstacles faster if you had engaged a professional counsellor? Consider professional counselling if any

of the following are part of your experience right now:

1) Every day is a struggle, and your own efforts to correct or fix some unwanted set of life challenges are lingering on.

2) You are frustrated with a behavior or emotional reaction you haven’t been able to rid yourself of for very long. An example might be how quick you are to get angry or the inability to let go of a past hurt that prevents you from trusting others or enjoying life the way you see others do.

3) You are struggling with the ability to get excited about life, feel hopeful, or feel energized about a hobby or activity you once enjoyed.

4) You’ve “relapsed” or gone back to participating in some behavior you thought you’d permanently quit.

5) You feel overwhelmed by problems, and your constant worrying about them causes you to feel detached and distracted, unable to fully and emotionally participate in life around you.

6) You use withdrawing from others or avoidance of social events as a way to cope with #5 above.

7) You are in a relationship characterized by long-term struggle and conflict, and coping with the other person’s behaviors is not improving your happiness. You feel trapped and unsure of what to do about it.

If you are experiencing any of these experiences, reach out to your EFAP for support. We offering individual, couple, and family counselling which can help you to resolve challenges you or your family currently face. We're here to help.

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